The Stone Can’t Stop You!

Keep in mind that if a stone blocking a tomb guarded with soldiers couldn’t stop Jesus from accomplishing what he set out to do that there is nothing that anyone can put in front of you that will keep Him from accomplishing what he wants to accomplish through you either!

Dressed for the Day?

When we get up and get dressed, we tend to dress for the day — the weather and the activities, yet when we “put on the whole armor of God,” perhaps we are putting on our generic Godly armor. Reading a devotional or a planned reading is a great place to start but in the spirit of personal / spiritual refinement, perhaps a step further would be to look at what is on our plate for the day (assess the weather) and align our Bible reading and our prayers to cover us, protect us and build us up from the elements that we know are sure to hit.

Project Manage My Life

Funny thing is that we do things for other people but sometimes forget to apply our professional expertise to our personal life. To stay focused, I need a clear scope, clear goals, a clear plan and roadmap for each goal, some clear measurable targets and status meetings with none other but myself each month to stay on track.


Funny thing, tonight I typed in 2021 and what returned were multiple images of people wearing masks. I couldn’t help think that masks are not new to 2021 or even 2020 for that matter. Yes, in the US physical masks seem to be a new thing in the past year but in reality most ofContinue reading “Masks”